We had our annual summer party at work today and took in a Mariners' game. I thought it would be foodaggedon, but it really wasn't. They had plenty of fruit and as long as I dumped the buns and kept to the mustard, a couple hot dogs and a boca burger worked out fine. So yeah, I did eat some things today... just not the potato salad. It looked crunchy. I can't do crunchy potato salad.

I'm starting to think I have more food-related achilles' heels than I thought. First it was just french fries. I LOVE ME SOME FRIES. Then it was ice cream. Now I'm thinking chips have to be on that list. Who doesn't like chips and something creamy and slightly onion flavored to dip them in? Damn chips.

Ah beer. Nothing like taking in lots of empty calories and only getting a gut and "honey, why did your coworkers leave you on the lawn again" questions from your wife in return.

And like manna from heaven, eventually the giant cookies and brownies appeared. The cookies were your basic lot, but the brownies... ooooh, they looked all moist and chocolatety. And yes, sometimes using the word moist can be a positive thing. Sometimes moist is good. Sooooo good. Of course I'm guessing here. They could have been solid as a rock. Yep, they probably sucked. I'll just keep telling myself that.
Current weight loss = 179