I've been feeling like we've been in a bit of a lull in terms of food in the office. Sure, we've had the normal stuff, but nothing big. Today, that ended.
I missed the first salvo, but caught the aftermath. I missed it because it was such a small box of donuts and was emptied by my coworkers in such a short time. There wasn't even really time for an intercom announcement. I imagine it was kind of like the Raptor feeding scene from Jurassic Park. The cow is lowered into the paddock. A murderous feeding frenzy ensues, tastefully (so to speak) obscured by some foliage. A couple minutes later, the tattered sling is removed. This box was the sling, complete with the messy "leavings."
There were several big meetings going on and they all seemed to have food. One must have had some heavy hitters in it because they got the Specialties' catering. There were 2 box lunches left over. Specialties knows what they are doing, in terms of flavor. Their sandwiches are very tasty as are their cookies. However, as we all know by now, taste isn't everything. These are also so loaded in calories that if I were to actually have one, I might not be able to eat for the rest of the day. You know, high taste doesn't always have to mean high calories. Specialties, I'm looking at you... and not eating your food.
And then...
Yes. Chicken from Ezelle's. Again. This time though, the agency at large didn't have to wait for the monthly managment meeting to end before they were let loose on the greasy scraps. We had a full agency meeting and the snacks were fried chicken, rolls, coleslaw and something that looked like potato salad.
I've described previously how I feel about that substance. I'm feeling queasy just thinking about it.
Here are some nice rolls to cleanse the mental palate...