Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10.19.10 — Pizza and the Dirty Bird

10.19.10 - Pizza, Again Again

Pizza again for an agency meeting. Only problem was that this was a meeting I actually wanted to go to, but ended up working through lunch trying not to get any salad bits on my keyboard as I ate while hammering away at project uploads. At least I didn't have to face the pizza directly in the face for the meeting. With as much pizza that has been flying around here lately, my resolve has been weakening. A man can only take so much.

Actually, I can take it. I'm getting very close to a weight loss milestone and I'm not going to let limp, greasy pizza to deter me.

10.19.10 - Dirty Bird 1

10.19.10 - Dirty Bird 2

Same goes for the Dirty Bird, aka Red Robin. It was another late night for us and the consensus order was the Dirty Bird. I can mostly easily pass on pretty much anything they offer even when I'm not trying to resist bad food. Their only real selling point is amount — when you're hungry you know you'll get a lot of food, even if it all tastes the same and is horribly bad for you. The only thing that tweaks my temptation meter are the french fries — not so much because their fries are anything to rave about. They do have size and if you order in you can get the free refills. THAT is a dangerous option when I'm around. As for the sauce tubs above, I have no idea was is in them other than some evil sort of mayonnaise hybrid, but it is very tasty... the last time I had it.

Tonight, nope. I waited until I got home and had my calorie and portion-size appropriate dinner.

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