Jo Jo went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and all we got was this box of banana "flavored" Moon Pies.
So you're not from the South, like me, and don't know what a Moon Pie is? It's a secessionist, Northern War of Aggression-grudge holding, Lynard Skynard lighter-waving, rebel flag draped over the gun rack in the back window driving, glorified s'more.
That's right. The vaunted Moon Pie is a graham cracker (heavy on the Cracker) smothered chocolate (or in this case, banana "flavoring") and marshmellow. Ooooooh, you Southerners. Way to come up with an original snack. Take a s'more, flatten it, make the packaging all nostalgic and then name it something that makes normal people (mostly me) think of slow-witted country folk plunking on a banjo and hoping for some pig squealing later.
Ok, I'll admit. That was kind of prejudiced against people who play the banjo. It is a noble instrument, if not intensely annoying. I apologize to all the banjo players out there.
Anyway, this one didn't yank my chain really at all — not a fan of marshmellow. Or s'mores. Or flat, redneck s'mores.
I bought them at cracker barrel (which they might have well just called Honkey Box, if you ask me).