Is a muffin really gone if its greasy footprint is still visible? I think not. Those muffins will always be with us so long as those stains prevail.
Ummm, WTF? Seriously, even if I had been in there, shoving my coworkers aside to get first crack at the power crumbs I would have passed on this muffin thing. Someone tried to reassure me that the mold-like discoloration was blueberries. I didn't care. Would you really choose to put that in your mouth? Sometimes, this whole resisting food thing is easy.
These two boxes of fancy shmancy chocolates did not make it out to where the unwashed masses could get all grubby with them. They were put out for the power kids and then spirited away to some chocolate safety deposit box. Probably for the best since they would have been gone faster than a can of snausages dropped into a doggie day care play room on Shih Tzu day. Those little puff balls know how to put away some snausages. I'm still scarred from seeing that.
I like how these little roll thingys look like an excuse to pack as many giant grains of sugar on a pastry as possible. Let's have some dough with our sugar.
The carnage of the sandwich tray. One day, I'll do a video segment and provide the appropriate Wild Kingdom voice over for the sandwich tray. Something like, "Observe as they fall upon the helpless turkey club and the roast beef. Those poor deli cuts never saw the attack coming. And good lord, the attack just will not stop. I'm questioning my own humanity just watching this." yeah, something like that.
It's alawys better to get your raspberry goo in your mustard and mayonnaise. On the other hand, it's all going to the same place, so why not get the mixing started before it goes in?
Even looking at potato salad makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I swear, if they served a nice big bowl of potato salad, preferably one that had been sitting out for a few hours, every time food landed in our office I'd never have even the slightest tug of temptation ever again. Potato salad is one food that I've always gagged on. It's my damn food kryptonite. I'm getting all oogy even typing this.
These meetings are never complete unless there is a tray of gigantic Specialties cookies, brownies and miscellaneous chunks of chocolate. Look at those chunks. They could easily pop right into your mouth. In fact, you could probably take a small handful and... POTATO SALAD.
Whew. I had a weak moment there. Cold goo-covered potatoes to the rescue.
Until next time, potato salad. Next time.
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