Monday, September 6, 2010

9.5.10 — Unfair Food

Evergreen State Fair — 59

I know this is technically a blog about food that comes into work that I then have to resist eating. It comes to me and I say no, not the other way around. Count this entry as an exception. I went to the food this time and really had to resist eating it.

I went to the Evergreen State Fair and specifically went through the food bazaar, or whatever they call that giant smorgasbord of the most unhealthy and delicious food ever created. That's right — fair food.

Evergreen State Fair — 66

I mean look at that thing. What is that, something like 2000 calories sitting on that plate? It looks big in the photo, and it was. That plate was easily ten inches across. Good Christ. And the person spritzing it with whipped cream took it easy on this plate. I saw her double that amount for kids' plates.

Evergreen State Fair — 72

I'll be honest. This guy whipping up the corn dog batter made it easy to pass by this booth.

Evergreen State Fair — 74


Evergreen State Fair — 80

That is some serious sausage. Just feed it in one end and it'll come out the other end in much the same shape.

Evergreen State Fair — 56

As appetizing as some of this stuff was, and IT WAS, seeing it prepared right there kind of helped keep me away from it all. Seeing the mass of food, the mess of food, and seeing people hork down gigantic quantities of fries or elephant ears or seriously everything — everything was in supersize me portions — was a little nauseating. So, as much as I would have loved to have taken a couple of those funnel cakes and just smeared them all over my body, I was able to resist.

Total weight loss: 188.5 lbs

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