Didn't the ancients celebrate the Winter Solstice with a traditional tray of soft sugar cookies covered with a glop of sugar icing topped with sugar sprinkles? No? Heathens.
Like so many food items that make it into our office lives, this tasty round of sugar crash waiting to happen just kind of appeared. No email. No announcement. Someone just deposited them in the kitchen this morning. I'm sure it was someone who had to stop at the grocery store on the way into work, saw the cookies and thought they'd do something nice for their coworkers. I can appreciate the gesture. I've done it myself, although I bought a pile of apples the last time I did it.
But, and you knew this was coming, the cookies pack a punch and equal about 2 apples worth of calories (2 really big apples at that) coming in at a whopping 180 calories each. Two of those equals my lunch on some days. Three equals dinner.
Come on, you might say, it's just a cookie. True, but three bites of sugar or a half-pound of apple? Kind of an easy choice.
SP brought in these cookies that his wife made. Everyone raved about them. Honestly, if I weren't doing what I'm doing, I'd be all over the little peanut butter with Hershey's Kiss cookies. Just about any peanut butter/chocolate combo is right up there on the best things in the world. While I might think the red hots embedded in the oatmeal cookies might be a risky choice, I was told it was very good as well.
But, add up one of the delicious cookies from above, 2 (at least) of the peanut butter Kiss cookies and an oatmeal Red Hot cookie, just for curiosity's sake, and you've got probably a good 500-600 calories in your gullet in a matter of minutes. That's a third of my daily calorie budget.
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