Wow. I don't even have to try and mock this one. It's just plain disgusting. I imagine that's what muscles on a fat person look like. I'm sure if some Hannibal had chopped me up for his dinner a few years ago, his knife would have been coated with gloppy lard like this one is. I'm almost getting sick to my stomach just looking at that. How do people find that appetizing? I'll admit, I sometimes take my photos with a bit of an agenda and try to make the food look as bad as possible. I didn't do anything to this one. What you see is what you get, and I don't know about you but I'm getting sick.
I didn't eat that, and I'm not going to get into the discussion of the role of fat in sausage, but if you want to talk appearance of food...
Let's just say, looks aren't everything.