Friday, January 28, 2011
1.27.10 — Running Snacks
So I'm starting a training program to run a marathon this summer and went to the kick-off party for the organization that leads the training (Team in Training). I figured there would be some sort of snacks there, and I was right. I did plan ahead and was able to get home and scarf some dinner before heading to the meeting — nipping and urge to graze in the bud before it became a problem.
That's one of the things I've had to work into my way of thinking — heading off opportunities for being tempted before the temptation presents itself. Expecting that a meeting or big public gathering, even with healthy and active people, is going to include food that I would rather not have on my calorie list for the day and then doing something to make sure my stomach has something in it has become a sure-fire way to curtail any off program munching.
So no chips, turkey and cream cheese sandwich wraps or Clif bars for me because I was already comfortably full with some low cal chili.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
1.26.11 — A Close Call
I've mentioned before that pizza is one of my main weaknesses and is, so far, the only item that I've succumbed to while doing this blog. Aside from that one time though, I've been strong. Today, there was some big meeting/presentation going on and they of course ordered pizza. I mostly ignored it and waited for the grease-stained leftovers to make it out to the kitchen so I could go document it. I did, not really paying attention to it other than it was yet another stack of pizza.
Good thing I was distracted.
I happened to see the boxes later after it was all gone and saw that it had come from Pagliacci's. If I had known that earlier, I might have injured myself and others trying to get in there so I could do unspeakable things with that pizza.
If pizza is my weakness, Pag's is my kryptonite. I am powerless before it. I dodged a big one this time.
In addition to being distracted by work (yes, we actually do work during the day here between snacking opportunities), I saw this, also from the meeting lunch order...
The sickly yellow-green color in the photo is pretty accurate. I'm not a big cold pasta fan, but this pile of cold, slimy-looking, squiggly pasta drew my attention away from the pizza long enough that I missed the name on the box. I guess being slightly disgusted can have its advantages.
1.25.11 — Sweet and Savory Calories
We get photographer reps in every once in awhile to show off portfolios in hopes that we'll hire from their talent pool. Since the reps are trying to impress, they also tend to bring the higher quality snackage. These were some gourmet tasties — the box on the left had the sweets and the box on the left had the savory.
The sweet stuff was quite literally slathered in glaze and sugar. It may not show in the photo very well, but all of them glistened with a high sheen and looked permanently sticky — not something I tend to look for in my snacks. The other side looked a lot less messy, but I was unsure about the hints of sliced meat sticking out of the tightly rolled bread. I'm sure it was all heavenly.
Oh, and the Emmys in the background? We don't screw around at this agency, my friends. We win shit.
1.20.11 — Late Nighter
I can't fault my coworkers for the pile of pizza they ordered last night. They were stuck here until the wee hours working on a new biz pitch. Pizza was the food of choice and this was the battered leftover. Honestly, if I had been here until 1 or 2 AM, I would have been right there with them at the pizza box carb loading.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
1.19.11 — Missed It
Wow. These bad boys disappeared faster than I was able to run back to my desk to retrieve my iPhone for the photo. I guess mini cinnamon rolls fit into the agency's pleasure zone more than any other culinary treat. I saw them going fast and had thought to say, "Don't finish them until I get back." I figured there would be something left over. Two minutes later, all that's left is what you see... crumbs and abandoned resolutions.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
1.10.11 — It's a Law in Hawaii
Hawaii is a popular vacation destination for Seattlites, especially during the height of our annual Seasonal Affective Disorder Festival (October through May). I think that just as giving tourists a flowered lei as they get off the plane (and then having Ricardo Montalban and a midget fulfill their every fantasy - weird, but don't knock having midgets in your fantasies) is a Hawaiian tradition, making sure that the same tourists leave with a box of chocolate-covered macadamias is a state law. The mega jar of flavored popcorn is a new twist.
Interestingly, the jar remained unopened for quite awhile, but as soon as that seal was broken, it was gone shockingly fast. The chocolates made it an hour or two.
1.7.11 — Meeting? Pastries.
What is it about meetings that they require food in order to happen? Is there a Grand Unification Theory of Meetings that requires a certain tonnage of empty calories before the higher brain functions of the meeting attendees can operate efficiently? And if so, is this a scientific Theory and therefore subject to the immediate and irrational disbelief by the Discovery Institute, soon to be followed by their competing explanation of Intelligent Meeting Design which states that meeting snacks could only come into existence by the influence of some higher, fatter power?
Yeah, that has to be it.
1.5.11 — Really?
You'd think by now that people would stop dumping their unwanted or leftover crap in our row. I need to check around to see if we have a hidden Statue of Snack Liberty somewhere, imploring all of our coworkers to bring their huddled calorie masses into our safe harbor. If I find her, I'm kicking her ass and shoving these Trader Joe's wannabe Oreos down her throat.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
1.4.11 — Holy Crap
That's a big effin' jar of fudge, and it's packed in there really tight.
You're looking at a minimum of 10,000 calories. I figure conservatively 200 calories per piece (according to my calorie counter, chocolate fudge with nuts is just about 200 calories per 1.5 ounces) and after a quick visual count, there are at least 50 pieces in there, maybe more.
I expect this jar to be empty by the end of the day, which means my coworkers will have put away at least 10,000 empty and extra calories.
Look, there's nothing wrong with eating this kind of stuff. Not really. Anything in moderation is fine so long as you're eating a balanced diet and know what your calories budget needs to be to either lose or maintain your weight. For me, it comes down to a question of getting the most bang for my calorie buck. I can have one piece of fudge that might taste good for a minute but won't fill me up at all, or for the same number of calories I could have an apple and a banana which would not only fill me up as a morning snack but hit me with some good fiber, complex carbs and a dose of potassium. Really, is there any choice?
1.5 UPDATE: I overestimated my coworkers' ability to slam down fudge. There's about a quarter of the jar left this morning.
Monday, January 3, 2011
1.3.11 — Food from Home
The agency was (mostly) closed during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day, so there weren't any good opportunities for food to not eat. Today, however, we got right back on track.
One coworker, lets call her Butter Knife, went home to Philly and brought back some local favorites that aren't available on this side of the country -Tastykakes. They looked comparable to the various Hostess cake-related offerings. Most people who knew of the Tastykake we excited to see them and to dig in. By the end of the day, three of the four boxes were empty and the fourth was close. I only heard one person give them an "eh" review. Most came in and were looking for someone to split a cake with. The big yellow ones did remind me of Hostess Zingers, a particular childhood favorite of mine. I was intrigued, but not enough to take the plunge.
These didn't come from three thousand miles away, but were apparently just as tasty without the cutesy spelling of "cake."
Homemade with the able help from my coworker's young daughter, who does her best to lick the spoon sometimes before the baking is done. I'll admit, the cookies on the bottom of the pile looked pretty inviting, and knowing that they might have that special Gaby touch was definitely a plus.
Of course, I took a pass. Maybe if Gaby licked the spoon on a nice fruit salad...
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