That's a big effin' jar of fudge, and it's packed in there really tight.
You're looking at a minimum of 10,000 calories. I figure conservatively 200 calories per piece (according to my calorie counter, chocolate fudge with nuts is just about 200 calories per 1.5 ounces) and after a quick visual count, there are at least 50 pieces in there, maybe more.
I expect this jar to be empty by the end of the day, which means my coworkers will have put away at least 10,000 empty and extra calories.
Look, there's nothing wrong with eating this kind of stuff. Not really. Anything in moderation is fine so long as you're eating a balanced diet and know what your calories budget needs to be to either lose or maintain your weight. For me, it comes down to a question of getting the most bang for my calorie buck. I can have one piece of fudge that might taste good for a minute but won't fill me up at all, or for the same number of calories I could have an apple and a banana which would not only fill me up as a morning snack but hit me with some good fiber, complex carbs and a dose of potassium. Really, is there any choice?
1.5 UPDATE: I overestimated my coworkers' ability to slam down fudge. There's about a quarter of the jar left this morning.
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