The agency was (mostly) closed during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day, so there weren't any good opportunities for food to not eat. Today, however, we got right back on track.
One coworker, lets call her Butter Knife, went home to Philly and brought back some local favorites that aren't available on this side of the country -Tastykakes. They looked comparable to the various Hostess cake-related offerings. Most people who knew of the Tastykake we excited to see them and to dig in. By the end of the day, three of the four boxes were empty and the fourth was close. I only heard one person give them an "eh" review. Most came in and were looking for someone to split a cake with. The big yellow ones did remind me of Hostess Zingers, a particular childhood favorite of mine. I was intrigued, but not enough to take the plunge.
These didn't come from three thousand miles away, but were apparently just as tasty without the cutesy spelling of "cake."
Homemade with the able help from my coworker's young daughter, who does her best to lick the spoon sometimes before the baking is done. I'll admit, the cookies on the bottom of the pile looked pretty inviting, and knowing that they might have that special Gaby touch was definitely a plus.
Of course, I took a pass. Maybe if Gaby licked the spoon on a nice fruit salad...
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